~~NOTOC~~ ====== Fort Nigger ====== |< 19.2em >| ^ Fort Nigger ^ | {{:fortnigger1.webp?250}} | | Fort Nigger | ---- |< 19.2em 40% >| | Created by [[Falklands]] | **Server** | i30, i34, i38 Test Servers | | **Creator** | [[Falklands]] | Fort Nigger was a multi-leveled defensive structure originally created by [[Falklands]] as apart of the [[30.0 combat test map]]. It was designed to specifically resemble the forts often seen in Battlefield 1, particularly the fort seen at the final point of 'Monte Grappa'. It has seen many iterations, battles, and design changes over the years. [{{:fortnigearly.png?300|Early screenshot of Fort Nigger on the 30.0 combat test map.}}] [{{ :monte_grappa_fortng.webp?280| The inspiration for Fort Nigger's design}}] The combat test map for [[34.0]] (and later [[38.0]]) recycled much of Falklands' work from the 30.0 map, placing it around a custom island. This included the yet-to-be-named Fort Nigger, which sat at a short peninsula between the 30.0 city and the new [[34.0 combat test map| trench warfare battlefield]]. The eponymous fort was afforded its namesake in late December 2020, and early January of the following year when the unprecedented use of the structure - and indeed of the test server as a whole - resulted in the spamming of the term "FORT NIGGER" in chat. Rumors are that player Publiustullius was the first to use the term, but this is unverifiable. During the pre-34.0 heyday of Fort Nigger, it was largely defended by members of [[trenchgang]], with a few players from other metagroups. The large concentration of players in Fort Nigger meant that the usual strategy of killing someone in the fort - using the warp command instead of attacking it head on - was rendered useless, as the warp could be camped with ample players remaining to man the fortifications. This resulted in frequent and large clashes in and around the fort, with heavy use of planes and artillery. Varied groups would assault Fort Nigger. Sometimes, [[jannies]] would spawn in [[zulu | zulus ]] for Fort Niggerers the PvE. Fort Nigger quickly gathered extensive cultural capital, and a series of gifs depicting the invincibility of the Fort or, alternatively, the sterility of its assaulters, were developed and frequently posted on the official Discord Server. Fort Nigger went through several iterations, being destroyed, repaired, replaced, and rebuilt multiple times over. Eventually, [[https://intcraft.wordpress.com/2021/01/02/the-saga-of-fort-nigger/ | an article ]] was written about Fort Nigger. As the official server drew near, ideas of creating Fort Nigger ingame were discussed, however these never seriously came to fruition. Its most recent rendition during the 38.0 development phase saw aesthetic improvements and new additions, including a dock and even more trench fortifications. [{{ :fortnigger38.png?250| Fort Nigger in pre-38.0}}] Never since or before the brief period of time during the height of the i34 test server has Fort Nigger garnered so much attention, despite the continued presence of the structure itself throughout multiple test servers, and the continued use of its endearing title. {{Gallery | Images of Fort Nigger | < 19.2em 40% > | | footer = | style = | state = | height = | width = | captionstyle = | File: | Write a caption here | alt1= | File: | Write a caption here | alt2= | File: | Write a caption here | alt3= | File: | Write a caption here | alt4= | File: | Write a caption here | alt5= }}