====== /int/craft Urban Dictionary ====== /int/craft, being a 4chan server, inherits the lexicon of 4chan. The playerbase has also developed some of its own slang over the years. \\ ===== Autism ===== **Autism** is a superhuman condition that [[Falklands|most]] [[onions|/int/]][[thespookybone|craft]] [[roguelich|players]] have. Players with this condition are immune to propaganda and have obscenely high server playtimes during iterations, but suffer from allergies to women, grass, and social interaction. Someone or something that is **autistic** is associated with extreme dedication, especially to an unhealthy extent. As Rolling Stone puts it, "the term 'autist' is used in online cultures as a multipurpose pejorative, often to describe someone with hyperfocus".((https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/all-american-nazis-628023/)) \\ ===== Backclaiming ===== **Backclaiming** or **backcapping** involves capturing undefended territory during war, often away from the frontlines. Became common on [[Nodes]] iterations. \\ ===== Buildfag ===== A **buildfag** is a player who is a good builder. As a verb, **buildfagging** is synonymous with just "building". \\ ===== CB ===== Acronym for **Casus belli**, a reason for declaring war. Recent iterations require a nation to usually come up with a "good enough" CB that fits the iteration larp before declaring war on another nation. \\ ===== Diplojewing ===== **Diplojewing** involves manipulating the politics of the server or even the community to achieve a particular goal. Diplojews are often one of the leading figures in a faction. Methods of diplojewing heavily depend on the individual, and often vary in nefariousness. Notable Diplojews: * [[PhamtomGuy]] * [[Brogrammer]] * [[PandaPieForAll]] * [[Doneions]] * [[LeiteArts10]] * [[Stryker]] * [[Falklands]] * [[floods_monitor]] * [[Voth]] \\ ===== Ded serb ===== **Ded serb**, short for "dead server", is a meme phrase originating from the earliest of iterations that mocks low playercounts or servers nearing their natural conclusions. Also commonly memed by disgruntled players for a variety of reasons such as a disliked admin or mechanic. Common derivatives include: "ded srbr", "dead nigger", "deceased serbian", "alive serb" (rare) //"ded serb reset when"// \\ ===== Doneions ===== //Also **donions**.// Refers to the former admin, [[Onions]] (e.g. "Onions is doneions"). Also sometimes used on its own, e.g. "We're so doneions if they attack us." \\ ===== Ghoul doctrine, Ghouliphate ===== The **Ghoul doctrine** is a recruitment strategy where a town leader invites any and every newly-joined, unaffiliated player to his town. A **ghouliphate** is a large town or nation whose population was largely recruited with this strategy. Ghouliphates are usually weaker in warfare than their population numbers suggest, due to the minimally low bar for entry. The practice of "ghouling" has become almost universally antiquated due to the rise of metagroups. Named after [[roguelich|Coolghoul]], an ancientfag who pioneered the doctrine, and specifically his [[4.0]] nation of the Caliphate.((https://int-craft.fandom.com/wiki/Fatimid-Caliphate)) \\ ===== Greeking ===== **Naked greeking**, often shorted to just **greeking**, refers to the practice of going into combat without armor. Players who do this are known as **greeks**. In its strictest sense, greeking is fighting with no armor and a stone axe as a weapon, often as a last-ditch attempt to defend a town during a siege. More recent iterations have seen greeks use other relatively cheap weapons instead of stone axes. **Gun greeking** is a less common variant where a greek is armed with a gun. The term is named in honor of some players of a town in Greece on an ancient iteration, who, as the legend goes, successfully defeated a siege of their town against several fully armored players by rushing into combat armed only with stone axes. //"They're just greeking at this point, they must be out of ammo"// //"I just killed 3 greeks"// \\ ===== Jannies ===== A **janny** or more uncommonly a **madmin** refers to players of higher authority in a server. Both a server's moderators and developers are typically referred to as jannies. Additional contributors, such as modellers, map makers, or even the server's host, whose direct involvement in the server may vary, are not usually considered jannies. Some [[xethyr|especially]] [[rurik|dedicated]] [[onions|incels]] may act as head janny and a server developer at the same time. They work for free, by the way. \\ ===== Jinxing ===== **Jinxing** refers to the underhanded practice of joining a town just to steal gear from the town chests, and then leaving. A form of "insiding". In the ancient iterations it often was not against the rules. In modern iterations it is strictly against the rules and easily detectable and punishable. Named after oldfag player HeyItsJinx. //"That newfag just jinxed us"// \\ ===== Memeraiding ===== **Memeraiding** is the act of travelling to a town for any given reason to simply kill its players. Breaking or placing blocks in other towns is disabled during non-war weekdays, so memeraids are typically the only source of combat during these intermediate periods. Skilled **memeraiders** use various tactics or in-game exploits to get as close to their targets as possible. Memeraids are usually done from the desire to extract loot, spread propaganda, demoralize enemies, or just from sheer excitement. Memeraiders are often vilified by defenders, and excessive memeraiding has the potential to shape the politics of a server. Memeraids have been historically distinguished from regular "raids" in that it is intended to be "just a meme", i.e. not an act of warfare and just having fun, and are usually not authorized by the memeraider's town leader. However, in recent times, the term "memeraiding" has become synonymous with simply raiding, and the degree to which a memeraid is taken lightly varies greatly by recipient. Historically notorious memeraiders and memeraiding metagroups: * [[XDA1]], his Twilight Sparkle skin struck fear into the hearts of many * [[Numried]], highly skilled pvper * [[maybee]], (aliases niggum_killum, raiding_sperg) highly skilled pvper * [[TerriBirdBBQ]] (highly unsuccessful) * [[NcordoGang]], known for memeraiding towns into submission to expand political influence * [[Strykergang]] * [[Norse]] \\ ===== Memewalls ===== A derogatory term used to describe the walls of a town that appear excessively large or meta-gamey. Often made of entirely stone brick, or an equivalent mass producible, blast-resistant material. \\ ===== Metagroup ===== //See also: [[Metagroups]]// A **metagroup** is a common group of players who have played together in the same towns or nations across multiple iterations. \\ ===== Node ===== A territory in a [[Nodes]] map is often referred to as a **node**. A "node" more properly refers to a [[nodes#what_is_a_node|resource node]] within a territory. \\ ===== Pre-server diplo ===== The act of 'diplojewing' before a server officially releases. Oftentimes performed weeks if not months in advance, depending of the player. Many experienced players in the community denounce the practice and claim it can waste the energy of those who participate in it and cause them to be burned out before the server even opens. Some jannies have gone as far as placing a nominal ban on the practice, to little effect. \\ ===== Warlogging ===== **Warlogging** is the act of simply logging off, or intentionally choosing to not log in, during times of war. On Towny iterations, which usually required a minimum of 2 online players for a town to be sieged, warlogging was a strategy to avoid being conquered. It was, therefore, against the rules on some iterations. Although the practice has no strategic or legal consequence on modern Nodes servers, it is still sometimes done to avoid the humiliation of directly losing a battle. **Warloggers** are usually criticized by their prospective opponents.