~~NOTOC~~ ====== Lebanon (i31 Middle East) ====== |< 19.2em >| ^ Lebanon ^ | {{:lebanon_i31.png?250}} | | Areal view of Lebanon (trust me it looked nice behind those walls and mountain) | ---- |< 19.2em 40% >| | **Leader** | [[Haan]] | | **Population** | ~15 | | **Capital** | Beirut | | **Towns** | Beirut | | **Notable members** | Haan\\ DrVore\\ Dill\\ Kim\\ [[Viceroy]] | **Lebanon** was a major nation on [[Middle East]]. Key founders were Haan and Kim who had good reputation of being very rp focused players playing a huge diplomatic roles in previous iteration of Yugocraft. Haan's and Kim's group chose Lebanon to play Lebanon along with Dr Vore and Dill. The land was very small for building large bases so the main builder and state appointed architect Dill started to make more detailed small building. This turned out very well and Lebanon quickly recieved recognision for their building skills. A conference was held in Olive Garden with nation represenatives across the world. The conference forged aliances which fought in the looming 6 hour war. ===== Lebanon's role in The Six Hour War and death of an iteration ===== [{{ olive_garden_conference_i31.png?250| Middle east conference in Olive Garden. Co-leader of Lebanon Kim (kimjopngnut) sits at the end of the table.}}] [{{ lebanon_soa_revision_center_2020-02-16_12.jpeg?250| Holocaust revision center in Beirut.}}] [{{ six_hour_war_i31.png?250|}}] Millitary leaders of Lebanon were closely planing their combined attack againts Israel with their allies and ordered Hezbollah to capture town of Haifa. Iraqi attacking forces were to com from east, Egypt and PLO from west and Jordan from south. Meere hours before battle Israeli sappers built mass tnt launcher towers which spew tnt at high rate to a short distance in front of Lebanon's border wall. Unfortunately for the Israeli the tnts went too short to the wall and created a deep moat which concequently greatly negated Israeli advance on walls. Attempts were made to place flags, but those were promptly destroyed with RPG fire. Israeli attacks stalled and Hezbollah went on counter offensive. Artilery on walls punched holes for infantry. Main thrust was on western side closer to shore. Hezbollah broke thru first wall and were on open ground close behind the wall on Israeli side. Fewer number of Israeli soldiers were noticed possibly due to diverting troops to western Egyptian-PLO heavily contested front. Iraqi army was spotted across the eastern front making gains and breking thru first wall. Advance for Hezbollah slowed down when Israelis deplyed tanks on open ground. RPGs were brought from base and up to 5 tanks were destroyed. Hezbollah deployed no tanks due to difficult terrain threfore no tank to tank battles occured like elsewhere. Iraqi army seeing the combined success left the field to fight elsewhere and Hezbollah was the only opposing foce on the northern front. Main Haifa temple was at this point visible and only thing separating it was a thin wall. Hezbollah made its advance on the walls and brought artilery to shell Haifa temple. Fighting again stalled when Israelis had the respawn time advantage naked rushing to destroy flags. After a futile attempts trying to stop the advance Israel army left the field and fully diverted their resources in to defending Tel Aviv. After about 3 hours of battle a Lebanese flag was seen on top of Haifa marking the end of the battle. Lebanese group logged off since it was getting late for European members including Kim and Haan and battle was declared as victory. Sadly for the group the Israeli took noticed and reported it as warlogging. Onions, the head janny of i31 took action and deleted town as punishement. Israelis then claimed Lebanon. This caused much critisism from other members. This was one of many reason why this iteration was boycoted after first war despite Onions willing to rollback changes. Lebanese group quit along with other groups after first war weekend - dead serb was declared. [{{six_hour_war_frontlines_i31.png?250 | A simple map showing the extend of claims shortly before lebanese group warloged}}]