~~NOTOC~~ ====== Siege of Frankfurt ====== |< 19.2em >| ^ Siege of Frankfurt ^ | {{:siegeoffrankfurt.png?250}} | | French, Dutch, and Austrian soldiers pouring into Frankfurt | ---- |< 19.2em 5em - 50% >| | **Date** | 23 January 2021 || | **Location** | The Rhineland, Frankfurt || | **Result** | French Victory \\ • Frankfurt captured \\ • Heavy German node loss || ^ Belligerents ^^^ | {{flag_fr.png?24}} France\\ **Supported by:**\\ • {{flag_nl.png?24}} Netherlands \\ • {{flag_rus.svg?24}} Russia \\ • {{flag_rs.png?24}} Serbia \\ • {{flag_aushung.png?24}} Austria-Hungary || {{flag_reich.png?24}} Germany | ^ Commanders and leaders ^^^ | {{flag_fr.png?24}} [[stryker|stryker123abc]] \\ {{flag_fr.png?24}} [[Falklands]] \\ {{flag_rus.svg?24}} [[TrenchByte]] \\ {{flag_rs.png?24}} [[TheSpookyBone]] || {{flag_reich.png?24}} [[LeiteArts10]] \\ {{flag_reich.png?24}} [[FireRest125]] | ^ Strength ^^^ | 55\\ **(At peak)** || 35\\ **(At peak)** | The Siege of Frankfurt, or, the First Franco-German War, was a major conflict of the first war day of [[i34 | the thirty fourth iteration ]] - ww1 - of /int/craft. ===== Prelude ===== Early on Saturday the 23rd of January, French Emperor [[Stryker]] and German Kaiser [[LeiteArts10 | LeiteArts]] agreed to have a war. This decision followed a convoluted sequence of alliance crafting, betrayal, and, conspiracy, in which an initial plan to launch a coalition war against the [[Norse]] was betrayed by [[Leitearts10]], and was further complicated by the discovery of a looming betrayal of France by [[Stongduke]] to Germany. This betrayal was intuited by the French following a string of suspicious actions undertaken by [[Stongduke]] - leading the French city of Dijon - including banning access to the city, and being broadly uncommunicative. The following war inaugurated a conflict which was to last for the entirety of the server, lasting a total of four war days, for 24 hours of war in total. ===== Battle on the Rhine ===== The war began with the French and German armies clashing on the border of France and Germany, around Alsace Lorraine. A thick forest on the German side of the border retarded any initial French attempts to push, and a stalemate developed, with Germany having a slight advantage. After a period of deadlock, the timely arrival of the Serbian, Russian, and, Dutch armies routed the Germans, effecting the establishment of forward momentum. Although Serbia did not remain engaged for the entirety - or even most - of the war, the continued presence of French allies made the conflict one sided - though certainly easy. ===== The Siege of Frankfurt ===== After a few hours of fighting around the Rhineland, the German army was forced to adopt Frankfurt as the main axis of defense. initial attempts to force the city were unsuccessful, as the complete lack of cover combined with multiple German maxim placements resulted in heavy coalition losses. However, a foothold was eventually established, and fortifications were built as claims advanced ever closer to the walls. This seemingly ineluctable progress prompted a response from Germany. In what the German's refer to as "Allah's Tornado", several German players used clients to give their players kill aura, speed, and, fly. With this, they flew into the Allied lines, achieving multiple wipes. These players were banned. ===== The Fall of Frankfurt ===== The flags eventually reached the walls. Fighting intensified, and a stairway was erected to facilitate movement into the base. This stairway has been the subject of some controversy. There was hacking on both sides. However, the fall of Frankfurt ultimately could not be averted, and around the five and a half hour mark, the German spawn elevator was being camped. ===== Aftermath ===== France had won the battle, but the war was far from over. The following day would see a dramatic reversal of French territorial gains, and the war beginning with the Siege of Frankfurt would never truly be resolved.