~~NOTOC~~ ====== World War 2 ====== |< 19.2em >| ^ World War 2 ^ | {{:2023-03-04_14.33.04_n0zw6h.jpg?250}} | | Pz. II tank in battle | ---- |< 19.2em 40% >| | **Launch date** | 18 February 2023 | | **Historical era** | 1936--1945 | | **Map** | Stongduke Earth | | **Host** | Rurik | | **Head Admin** | Xeth | | **Length** | 4 weeks | | **Peak playercount** | 326 | | **Plugin** | Nodes | | **[[https://uninvolvi.ng/intcraft/maps/38_ww2.zip|Map download]]** || |< 19.2em 33% - 33% >| ^ Iteration chronology ^^^ | [[i37]] | **i38** | [[filicraftremaster|i39]] | **World War 2**, also referred to during development by the codename **Projekt 6000000**, was an iteration held in February to March 2023 and hosted by [[Xeth]]. It was iteration 38 (i38) of /int/craft. It was the largest iteration ever in terms of player count, capping out at 326, and lasted through 3 war weekends. It was Xeth's second iteration, after [[World War 1|i34]], and the most recent iteration of /int/craft to date. The server featured a meta heavily geared towards sub machine guns, although additional weapons included 3 shot kill bolt action rifles, grenades, and flamethrowers. Resources were initially sparse, but this was fixed after a few days. The server had international ports, tanks, planes (added on the final war day), and, an admin launched nuclear weapon which could be bought for uranium, which was in turn procured by completing various tasks, having nice cities, winning minigames, etc. The server also featured a novel factory mechanic, in which players needed to build up to four different types of factories in any node in order to smelt and produce materials required for stronger guns and vehicles. The buildings would be judged by an admin and awarded a tier (1-3) according to the quality and size of the build. Tiers affected output greatly, with higher tier factories outputting several times more resources than those below them in the same amount of time. {{INLINETOC 2-5 width18}}\\ ===== International Relations ===== Iteration 38 was defined by a large influx of newfag zoomer groups, which created new friend-enemy groupings for older metagroups. The resulting paradigm was effectively dominated by a [[grand_alliance|grand coalition]] between [[Brazil]], the [[CSA]], [[Portugal]], [[Finland]], and, [[Turkey]]. Britain and Italy, despite both being oldfag factions, were outside of this group to various extents---primarily due to conflicting interests, or, in some cases, pre-existing antagonism---though there was some level of cooperation between the three. Newfag groups, despite having an on paper level of numerical superiority, were consistently defeated throughout the iteration. This was due to several factors, including but not limited to: poor diplomacy, inferiority in combat skill, ignorance of flag war meta or base design, or overall incompetence. While this was not the case for every single newfag group, many of these groups (France, Japan, Russia, Germany, Oceania, Romania, Argentina, Iraq, the Baltic states, etc) were destroyed. Others, such as Ethiopia and Mexico, while not being incompetent per se, were unable to achieve the level of impact they perhaps should have. The few newfag groups which achieved their goals did so not through a numerical advantage, but expert diplomacy - such as Switzerland with only 3-5 active members. ===== Conflicts ===== ==== Americas ==== The Americas were dominated by the [[CSA]] and [[Brazil]]. Two other factions, [[Mexico]] and Argentina existed on the continent, although the latter was swiftly obliterated by Brazil on the first week of war, and the former remained an appendage of the grand coalition. The only war fought in North America was the siege of Nova Scotia, which was concluded in under 30 minutes, although heavy memeraids between the CSA and Mexico also took place. South America hosted two major wars, the first being between Brazil and Argentina, and the second being an Ethiopian invasion of Brazil. Brazil prevailed in both conflicts, successfully destroying Argentina and holding their own against Ethiopian forces. It is worth noting that later in the server the remaining unclaimed parts of the map were opened up for capture by any nation, similar to the likes of iteration 34's "Scramble for Africa" event. Although there were unclaimed parts fought over across the entire map, South America in particular saw major conflict as Brazil aggressively expanded over the entire continent, much to the ire of foreign nations. ==== Northeastern Europe ==== Northeastern Europe was defined in its entirety by the conflict between [[Finland]], led by the [[domsquad]], and the neighboring newfag groups in the Baltic states and the Soviet Union. Finland, over the course of four wars, captured the Baltic states and occupied the Soviet capital twice, prevailing amid irresolute odds. ==== Central Europe ==== Central Europe consisted entirely of Germany and its client states. Germany was allied with the [[Finnish]] against Russia and Poland, and antagonistic towards France, the Netherlands, and later the United Kingdom. While appearing to be a major power that boasted impressive territorial gains, Germany was destroyed by a much smaller Portuguese army in the final war, leaving Switzerland with large territorial gains as the only native power remaining in the region. ==== Western Europe ==== Conflict in Western Europe was initially defined by the the bellicosity of France, a large and aggressive nation which conjured up a coalition of nations against it, resulting in its utter destruction in the 2nd war week. Immediately after the fall of Paris to coalition forces, a row between English and Confederate forces erupted in the capital, which ignited additional conflict and ultimately resulted in the conquering of the British Isles the following day by the CSA. ==== Iberia ==== The Iberian Peninsula was initially a battleground between France and the rest of Western Europe, but after the victory of PhantomGuy's Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War, the region became totally dominated by Portugal. ==== Southern Europe and the Balkans ==== Southern Europe was defined primarily by a power struggle between Turkey and Greece, which raged inconclusively for the entire length of the server, though Turkey was decidedly the underdog. Smaller wars also occurred in the Balkans, notably the Yugoslavian Civil War and the coalition against Romania. Italy, while an ally of Greece, also engaged in international peacekeeping operations in conjunction with Grand Coalition groups, however a split over the Greco-Turkish conflict between Italy and the Confederate States of America eventually led to a brief, undeclared, but vicious war in the heart of Italy that alleviated pressure on Turkey, though at the expense of Confederate expulsion from the Italian Peninsula. ==== Middle East ==== The Middle East was dominated by Ethiopia, Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Iraq made enemies with nearly everybody around them and were shortly destroyed, whereas Mecca, after a series of bloody battles was finally captured by the Swiss in support of Israel. In the meanwhile, Ethiopia defeated the Italians and also was given some minor colonial territories from the British. The dominance over the Middle East was decided in the last war weekend where Ethiopia was nuked by the CSA and Israel alongside Switzerland fully occupied Saudi Arabia. ==== Asia ==== East Asia was initially disturbed by an aggressive newfag Japanese faction, with their main adversary being China. The Japanese, being unlikable newfags, were quickly coalitioned and were effectively destroyed after the end of the first week in the janny-enforced Sino-Japanese War. Due to the jannies allowing nations to send volunteers for either side of the conflict, it culminated into a memeworthy proxy war that included nations who were otherwise uninvolved in East Asian politics and only entered the war for the sake of combat. ===== Notable Nations ===== * Confederate States of America * Mexico * Brazil * United Kingdom * Portugal * Spain * Germany * Italy * Switzerland * Yugoslavia * Greece * Finland * Turkey * Israel * Ethiopia * Saudi Arabia * China * Soviet Union * Australia ===== Notable Conflicts ====== Note: Missing conflicts for the Middle East, Turkey, and the Balkans. * Everyone-French Punitive Expedition * Defense of Port Cabo * Anglo-Confederate War * Israeli-Arab Wars * Operation Barbarossa * Invasion of Nazi Germany * Yugoslavian Civil War * Greco-Turkish War * Battle of Rome * Winter War * Finno-Estonian War * Confederate-Ethiopian War === Admin-Enforced Conflicts === * Spanish Civil War * Sino-Japanese War * Italo-Ethiopian War === Other conflicts that may be omitted, but can be expanded upon: === * Brazilian-Argentinian War * Unclaimed territory event (e.g. conquests of South America, Oceania, etc) * Invasion of South Africa * Swiss-Belgian/Ethiopian War ===== Notable Events ====== * Mojang ban * First Intman World Cup * Second Intman World Cup * Ice Boat Racing * North Sea Battleship Parkour * Chinese reactor incident ===== Notable Buildings ===== * CSA Star Destroyer * Swiss Brony Museum * Israeli Federal Reserve * Bass Pro Shops Pyramid * Rio Stadium * CSN Complex * Reichstag ---- ===== Related articles ===== * [[Operation Hannibal|★ Operation Hannibal]] * [[portugal_ww2|★ Portugal]] * [[Grand Alliance]]