
A tomokofag, altoids is usually characterized by the character; seen in this Takeda i36 propaganda

In-game name altoids762
First iteration 31.0
Metagroup British (historically)
Nationality Australian
Ethnicity Hafu
Years active 2020–2022
Status Inactive
Associated players VivianJames

altoids is a newfag and smaller player in the /int/craft community. They were a member of the British/Jonathan/Itsame/??? metagroup from 31.0 until its defunct status following World War 1 (34.0). After 34.0, altoids was the leader along with VivianJames of the Takeda clan in Sengoku (36.0), which saw minor success in an alliance with the Norse Imperial faction. Outside of their rule of the Takeda in 36.0, altoids has not been in any significant leadership. altoids has not been active since the end of 36.0, citing school and work as taking much of their time.

Table of Contents

  • 31.0

    During Middle East, altoids was a member of Egypt. They were invited with VivianJames and spent most of the iteration building and grinding, while making a few friends in the community. Their most notable contribution was the Cairo Mosque.


    In 32.0, altoids was again with the British metagroup in Imperial Russia. Like most of the faction, altoids spent most of their time on building. altoids constructed a Russian Orthodox church, apartment buildings, and the cities walls in Saint Petersburg. Following the opening of the New World to players, altoids set out to Virginia to establish a Russian colony. They had plans to rebel against the imperial government and form the United States, however, the server collapsed in a revolt against Onions, in which altoids was partially responsible for mass unbanning players from the Discord server.


    altoids most consistent iteration was the Great War. Playing their home nation, Australia, altoids served in the British Empire, doing busywork and fighting for the London government. The Scramble for Africa saw altoids fight frequently with the British rivals, the Serbians. The defense of British-controlled Suez and North Africa at large was where most of the Australian fighting was held. In the first war weekend, most of altoids combat was seen fighting Serbian forces in North Africa, reclaiming Serbian Libya for the British and defending attacks against British Gibraltar. The following war weekend saw altoids fighting in the Levant against the Serbian-formed Byzantine Empire alongside British Israel, Arabia, and India. Perhaps the most dramatic event of the conflict was the British invasion of Gallipoli. In an event immitating history, the British invasion failed spectacularly. After a failed invasion of Southern Europe and a recontroll of North Africa, as well as the collapse of Persia and a conquest of Byzantine Anatolia, the Anglo-Serbian war was settled on a draw. Following Britain's departure from conflict, altoids joined the Norse to fight the Soviet Union, in which they saw minor combat.

    Epochcraft 2

    altoids briefly participated in Epochcraft 2 in the Norse Roman Republic.


    altoids was eager to play and lead in the Sengoku Jidai. Together with VivianJames, altoids established the Takeda clan from the Kai province. The Takeda was a small state in the iteration, seeing most of its fighting against Fleepers-ruled Miyoshi. After humiliating defeats and constant meme-raiding, the Takeda played a role in the practically server-wide alliance against Miyoshi, reclaiming the Imperial (Norse) capital of Kyoto, and participating in the sacking of Miyoshi's capital. The Takeda capital, Kofu, was home to many cultural builds, including a Japanese castle, dojo, shrine, and ramen resturant.