
Chud meme used in traditional server icon

Founded 5-2-2022, 9:16 am cst
Owner Falklands
Aristocracy Numried
Population Peak: 152

Portugoa is a discord server which has been the center of the modern /int/craft community since the conclusion of i38 in early 2023.


It was founded by Falklands/Goaboa on the 2nd of may 2022 originally for the purpose of organizing his faction in i37–The Reddit foreign volunteer fighters in Ukraine. Following the utter failure of i37 it was repurposed for use in Epochcraft 3 to serve as the discord for Falklands' town of Goa.

Rise to relevance

In the heralded i38, Falklands decided to make Portugal with numried. As you might imagine, it was around this time the name “Portugoa” came into use. Falklands' penchant for diplomacy resulted in Portugoa becoming somewhat of a hangout for the relevant players of the server–oldfags, nation leaders, even jannies would regularly chat together and hang out in voice calls. After i38 concluded its' offical discord server was made read-only. Portugoa remained active as many of the iteration's most important players were already in it. Roles were made for each metagroup, group gaming sessions were planned, vc calls continued. Much of the server's conversations and memes spawned from the many 'debates' between Voth and ArkySaw. Can you perceive Rome?

Grimur crusade

In late 2023 news of the upcoming Grimur reached Portugoa. Intrigued by the shameless porting of 34's combat config, interest in playing the server began to arise. In an extremely rare instance of pan-/int/craft unity, most everyone decided to play together with Portugoa as the headquarters. To the surprise of Falklands, he was chosen to be the leader of the faction. The coalition consisted of Ex-Strykergang/Vothgangers, Domsquad, Various TaP subgroups such as Cyprus and the Macacos, some ex-Jannies, and many more assorted /int/craft wanderers.The buildup to Grimurs was highly contentious between the admins of Grimur and Portugoa in general, who violently debated each other over the philosophies of the server and the fears that its mechanics would make the server shit (Tldr, the Portugoans were correct, it was dogshit).

Once the server released Portguoa fashioned itself as “Chudtopia”, but later changed to 'Wesphalea' (referencing “the west has fallen”) due to Grimur's admins having HRT rage over Portugoa's chuddiness. Portugoa was one of the server's largest nations, numbering around 80-90 players, and carried out what may have been the server's only successful military campaign. Eventually, everyone had grown tired of playing Grimur because frankly it was utterly terrible. The spiteful admins ragebanned most of Portugoa's members anyways, so the crusade ended around early January 2023. The crusade on Grimur brought in many new members to Portugoa–primarily from TaP. Although the server was terrible, it did unite together the contemporary community of /int/craft together in a way never seen before. Chuds won btw

2024 and Project 2025

After the humiliating (and completely expected) collapse of Grimur, the community of Portugoa was as strong as ever and continued on as normal. During Crusalis' ww1 iteration, the small handful of /int/crafters who played it–including that server's owner, Gaz–used Portugoa as a sort of french salon where any secrets and politics of the server were openly discussed and memed.

Later that year during summer, Fili's new /int/craft iteration was dominated by groups closely affiliated with Portugoa, Vothgang, the Domsquad, and Fedward/Swag gang who controlled various nations in the Caribbean region of that server. Although this coalition was not as airtight as some critics would claim, it's existence caused some within the community to feel Portugoa had become a hugbox. Ghoul in particular wrote a four thousand word article on his blog decrying what he views as Portugoa's monopoly on the community and its' culture. For now, this sentiment had yet to boil over.

Obligatory Scape and rape section (someone else write plz)

After the end of i39 the Host Cabal formed and work on i40 under the codename “Project 2025” had begun in the secretive janny channels of Portugoa. The community was as active as ever. Voth regularly presupping people in theological debates, Fedward annoying all, Falklands casting random polls for people to vote in. A communal letter to TaP lolcow “Godtm”, who was convicted to prison time for shouting racial slurs in a zoom call of predominantly black 2nd graders, was drafted. New channels were made: the Slop trough to house fedward's incessant supply of tiktok slop, and the Crystal realm to house those who were trapped in Crystals for falsely predicting Kamala Harris would win the 2024 US presidential election.

Civil war and civil war

The Host cabal released i40 on the 4th of January 2025. It went on to be an astounding success despite many believing the end of /int/craft was nigh after the dry spell post-i38. The server's primary conflict was a civil war of sorts between two groups which spawned from a feud on Portugoa. Voth and Fedward had grown to dislike eachother, and Voth sperged out and went on several banning sprees. Falklands, generally believing in clemency, would unban them as was Portugoa tradition. But Fedward and members of the Cyprus Group took it somewhat personally and plotted against Voth–and by extention Stryker–in i40. The primary conflict of i40 could be described as a Portugoa civil war. Even Falklands banned several members from the opposing anti-Stryker side, feeling a little betrayed by the 'Fedwardist' faction. Tensions died down after the server ended in Strykerist victory, and most people who wished to rejoin the server were forgiven.

With Portugoa now officially on the throne of /int/craft the future looks bright for the first time in a long time. New servers are rumored to be in development and for the time being Portugoa's star is burning bright.

If you'd like to apply to join dm goaboa on discord. If you aren't an oldfag or otherwise known within the community, or are a reputable shitter, you most likely will not be allowed in.