Table of Contents

Article Guidelines

A lot of what I (the admin) have written here so far is way too academic, hopefully that can change. I don't actually care what you write about or how formally you do it; do whatever you want. The only thing strictly off-limits is doxxing. That includes posting real names, IRL locations more precise than a country, and IRL pictures, as well as posting pictures of trains or something about a jester. The only exception is in regards to somebody like Devon who has a well-attested identity, so… yeah, basically just Devon.

With that out of the way…

How do I write?

Click the edit button on the right side, retard. You will see the code for the article. Ok, there's a bit more to it than that.

The backend software this Wiki uses is called Dokuwiki. Use that term in your google search when you need to figure out how to do something. Why this and not something else? I don't trust Wikia/Fandom since their UI changes a few years ago broke a lot of wikis, and this is a lot easier to set up and use than Mediawiki (the software behind Wikipedia). Yeah, it's slightly harder to write here than on Wikia… but come on, it's pretty easy. Even Redditors can figure out how to type [['s and ]]'s to make links. So can you.

So speaking of, here's the formatting syntax guide.

A couple things I want to point to specifically are the headings and image links. For headings, I always start my articles with six ='s, for example, ====== Page Title ======, to write the article name with the biggest font size, and then, if the article is long enough to have subsections, go down to five ='s, then four, etc. So, you should follow that convention if you care about consistency. For image links, notice how spaces before or after the filename affects its location. Kinda quirky. Tables work the same way. Also, you pretty much always need to use “?” to resize the image (as in, {{image.png?280}} for 280px wide), or it will take up the whole page. Also also, you can see the images currently on the site in the Media Manager (upper right), and you can upload new ones there, too.

I also have some extensions installed here to give us more features. This is some advanced shit. The most important of these is called Wrap, which basically allows us to split pages into multiple elements (such as two columns). It has some more autistic syntax (just linked it) but you shouldn't need to worry about it unless you're doing something crazy.

We also have ImageBox, which lets us have captioned Wikipedia-style images, by using extra ['s like this: [{{image.png?280|Caption}}]. Very simple. See /int/craft-chan for an example. If you do this, use ?280 to keep a consistent 280px wide.

We also have Table Width (you'll see why later), Wrap Plus, Page Redirect, and TocTweak.

Most of this is not really necessary to know. You should find that writing and page formatting is pretty straight-forward. But you were autistic enough to come to this website and click the link to this page anyway, so now you know all the extra shit.

How do I make a new article?

First, go to the homepage and see if it hasn't been made already (obviously).

Next, there's two things you can do. One way is to create a link in an existing article to your new article (if it fits). The link will be red, then you can click the link. Another way is to type in your address bar Both ways will take you to the new page and it will tell you to create the article.

You can also use this:

You are not allowed to add pages

Notes on naming convention: I generally prefer to use mineman usernames rather than Discord tranny names for player pages, except in cases where for whatever reason the player is usually not referred to by any one username (like Jonathan). I also try to use a proper name for iteration articles when possible (but the redirects mentioned earlier also work). Using slashes in the article names kinda fucks things up, so avoid using them. For example, the homepage is just rather than

Page redirects

Like Wikipedia, a redirect is a page which automatically sends visitors to another page, usually an article or section of an article. For example, Doneions redirects to Onions.

To create a redirect, make a blank article with the text ~~REDIRECT>:page~~, with page being the page you want to redirect to. Be careful when doing this though, as once you create a redirect, you can't undo it (only I can). By the way, I already created redirects for all the iteration articles (wow!) so you can create a link to i34 or 34.0, and the links will resolve the correct place.

If you make a new article, link it on the homepage in the proper place! We want to have EVERY page listed there, for ease of navigation.


Something I really wanted to have when making this wiki was was Wikipedia-style infoboxes for battles, as well as for players and iterations and other categories of article. Unfortunately, one downside to this software is that there's no real good way to do it. I've come up with my own implementation for use here, it isn't perfect, it's kinda hacky, but it's probably good enough. To make one for your own article will involve copying some code.

Example for a player

To show how this works, I'll explain the code for a relatively simple infobox for a player article, TheSpookyBone, shown on the right.

Discord avatar

In-game name TheSpookyBone, cupkaits
First iteration 28
Metagroup Various
Nationality American
Ethnicity Mutt
Years active 2019–2022
Associated players Crippo
<WRAP right 20em border centeralign>
<WRAP baretable>
|< 19.2em >|
^ TheSpookyBone ^
| {{:collegesenior.jpg?250}} |
| Discord avatar |


|< 19.2em 40% >|
| **In-game name**  | TheSpookyBone\\ cupkaits  |
| **First iteration**  | 28  |
| **Metagroup**  | Various\\ SpookyBone's  |
| **Nationality**  | {{flag_us.png?24}} American  |
| **Ethnicity**  | Mutt  |
| ** Years active**  | 2019--2022  |
| **Associated players**  | [[Crippo]]\\ [[Stryker]]\\ [[Falklands]]  |

The first line, <WRAP right 20em border centeralign>, creates a box element on the right side of the page with a width of 20em, gives it a 1px border, and aligns all the text (and whatever other elements) to the center.

The second line, <WRAP baretable>, is a custom thing used to remove the borders of tables. This is needed because we'll be using tables to create the layout of the infobox, but it looks ugly if we see the grid. By the way, every <WRAP> tag needs to have a corresponding </WRAP> tag following it, to close out the element (that's what those two in the last line are – for the first two rows). This should feel normal if you know any HTML.

The third line creates a table with a set width of 19.2em (trust the plan).

The next three lines create a three-row, one-column table to display the title, picture, and picture caption. The ^'s create the heading, making the background of the cell gray and the text bold. The |'s create normal rows. Very important to use ?250 to keep pictures within the width of the table, or else things get really fucked up. Also important to note, the text and picture are kept center aligned by having an equal number of spaces between them (or the code) and the |'s. The centeralign thing in line 1 was just to center the actual table inside the surrounding box.

The ---- creates a horizontal line (just for aesthetics).

Next we create another 19.2 width table. We need to do this because the line separates us from the previous table. This time, the 40% specifies that the first line should be 40% of the width. I use 40% for player and iteration articles, but you can change this for your purposes. The rest should be pretty simple to figure out what it does. One thing to note is that we have one space before the text and two spaces after, to align the text in the cell to the left. Another is that we use \\ for a newline separator (everything in one row of a table must be written in one line).

You can see that we have the US flag uploaded here as flag_us.png, and a bunch of others are already in too. These follow the format of flag_ and the two-character country code (like Discord flag emojis), except for some historical flags which are flag_ and something longer. If you upload more flags, please use this format. I got the ones so far from Wikipedia.

When you make an infobox, put it below your ====== Article title ====== but above your text content. Also, since the right-side placement conflicts with the default Table of Contents location (and I can't be assed to change that), disable the Table of Contents by putting ~~NOTOC~~ at the beginning of every article that uses an infobox. Most shit won't be long enough to need having a Table of Contents anyway.

All this too autistic for you? Understandable. The good thing is, you can just copy-paste a template and edit what you want. We have some on the Infobox templates page (also on the sidebar). I will explain one more (more complicated) example, for a battle article: Battle of Paris.

Example for a battle

Battle of Paris
Defenses in the inner city of Paris

Date 30 January 2021
Location Paris and surroundings
Result French victory
• Siege of France lifted
• Norse Brittany returned to French control
• Franco-German frontline pushed back to pre-war state
Supported by:
Russian Empire
Byzantine Sovereignty
Deutsches Kaiserreich
Kalmar Union
Supported by:
British Empire
Commanders and leaders
stryker123abc LeiteArts10
(At peak)
(At peak)
<WRAP right 20em border centeralign>
<WRAP baretable>
|< 19.2em >|
^  Battle of Paris  ^
|  {{:paris.png?250}}  |
|  Defenses in the inner city of Paris  |


|< 19.2em 5em - 50% >|
| **Date**  | 30 January 2021  ||
| **Location**  | Paris and surroundings  ||
| **Result**  | French victory\\ • Siege of France lifted\\ • Norse Brittany returned to French control\\ • Franco-German frontline pushed back to pre-war state  ||
^  Belligerents  ^^^
| {{flag_fr.png?24}} France\\ • {{flag_ch.png?18}} Switzerland\\ **Supported by:**\\ • {{flag_nl.png?24}} Netherlands\\ • {{flag_ru.png?24}} Russian Empire\\ • {{flag_bz.png?24}} Byzantine Sovereignty\\ • {{flag_pt.png?24}} Portugal  || {{flag_reich.png?24}} Deutsches Kaiserreich\\ {{flag_kalmar.png?24}} Kalmar Union\\ **Supported by:**\\ • {{flag_uk.png?24}} British Empire  |
^  Commanders and leaders  ^^^
| {{flag_fr.png?24}} stryker123abc  || {{flag_reich.png?24}} LeiteArts10\\ {{flag_kalmar.png?24}} Lemon_Shot  |
^  Strength  ^^^
| 30\\ **(At peak)**  || 50\\ **(At peak)**  |

There's basically one major thing that's different here:

The first table with title and picture is the same, but this time we create the second table with three columns: first column width is 5em, - creates a second column with unspecified width, and 50% sets the third column to 50% width. Why? Because we are using different column widths within the one table: we want the column with date, location, and result to be narrow, but in the later sections the table is split in half. We can achieve this by combining columns. In the first part, the left side is in column 1 and the right side is in columns 2+3 (every | is a column boundary, so we use || to use the width of two columns, like | A | B ||). In the second part, the left side takes up columns 1+2 and the right side is the half-width column 3 (| A || B |). Note we never use column 2 on its own, it just exists to transfer its width for aesthetic reasons. Like I said, kinda hacky.

Why not have multiple tables, instead of the three-column shit? Aesthetic reasons, that's it. Any other way creates too much dead space.

Hopefully all this explanation has helped you know how this works, so you can make your own infoboxes. It took me a while to figure out the best way to do it.

References for the look of Wikipedia infoboxes:

Notch World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad M1 Abrams

Again, see Infobox templates for more stuff you can copy.

Old Wikipedia-style Table of Contents

Infoboxes break the default upper-right corner Table of Contents location. To insert an in-body Table of Contents, simply put this after your opening paragraphs:

{{INLINETOC 2-5 width18}}\\

Note: You don't need ~~NOTOC~~ if you already have it at the top of the page (all the templates start with it at the top).

Note 2: This fucks up the Preview, but only the Preview. The published page will have only one TOC if you do it right.

t. intcraftwikiadmin