
LeiteArts in Brazilian soldier uniform

In-game name LeiteArts10
First iteration i26
Metagroup TaP
Nationality Brasileiro
Ethnicity White Macaco
Years active 2018–present
Associated players Stryker

LeiteArts10, also known simply as Leite, is the former leader of the TaP metagroup. He organized and led the major nations of Israel on i31, Netherlands on i32, and Germany on i34, among others. He was a traditional ally of Stryker's nations on many servers, until the two came into conflict on i34. Since i34, he has mostly retired from his role as head of TaP, but is still an influential player. He is one of the most eminent and successful nation leaders of /int/craft's modern era.

Early life

LeiteArts is from Brazil. He is a long-time player of Flan's Mod servers, such as Monorisu, also called Tyrants et Plebians, or TaP or T&P. He led a faction on Monorisu called “Voltz”. He is also a Redditor.

Leite was invited to /int/craft in 2018 by PandaTanner. His first iteration was Epicfailcraft.


Town: Christiania, Norway

Leite played with Stryker and PandaTanner in the town of Christiania.


Town: Atlanta, CSA

Leite briefly played in Atlanta on 2030 and fought for 30 minutes in the Battle of Voii. Ragequitting over the impenetrable minefield that surrounded the city


Town: Porto Alegre, Brasil

On Filicraft, Leite founded his own town, Porto Alegre, which consisted mostly of players he knew from the TaP server. Together with players from São Paulo and Salvador, led by Pontifexmax, they formed Brazil, a relatively minor nation on the server, but nonetheless took part in two major conflicts, the Battle of Columbus and Battle of Cuba. Leite also instigated a war with neighboring Chile.


Town: Spetsnaz base, Montengro

On Yugo Wars, Leite led the meme nation of Russian Peacekeepers with his group. They fought against Macedonia and Italy.


Town: Tel Aviv, Israel

On Middle East, Leite led the nation of Israel, putting him in the center stage of the iteration's most-remembered conflict. He led the outnumbered Israelis to a huge victory over the Arabs in the Six-Hour War, and then was a leading part of the coalition against Sudan the next week. It is also said he was responsible for the terrorist attack on the Arab Conference

He pioneered new methods of warfare, such as the “Katyusha”1) TNT thrower, remote minefields and cruise missiles2) using TNT and the BigDoors plugin.


Town: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Leite, now a respected member of the /int/craft community after his success on Middle East, led the Netherlands on i32. They were once again a major power, this time even more populous than his previous nations. Leite built a large church in Amsterdam, alongside the city's many other meme copypasta structures.

The Netherlands succeeded in their wars against France, Luxembourg, and England in the first war day. On the second, they allied with Stryker's Norway and invaded Onions' Italy. After the fall of Rome, Leite turned against his ally, defeating Norwegian forces in the Battle of Jutland, successfully challenging Norway's power (though the end result of the fighting was a draw).


Town: Berlin, Deutsches Kaiserreich

See also: World War 1#European Theater

Now seeing that a victory against /int/craft's most prominent contemporary group was possible, Leite claimed and led the nation of Germany on World War 1, directly in opposition to Stryker's France. Germany was a mix of the TaP group and the newfag Brazilian group (former France on i32) and became one of the six Great Powers of the server. In the Scramble for Africa, Germany took Ethiopia and Madagascar, contested with France and the Netherlands. LeiteArts was not present for the Berlin Conference because he was asleep; due to this he was dubbed “SleepyArts”.

Norse bellicosity led to him assembling a coalition against them, which included most on the server except France and Britain. Eventually, France joined the coalition, but at the unhappy cost of Germany conceding the Rhineland to France (which was planned to be reconquered from France after the Norse were dealt with). On the night before the war, Leite was persuaded by Norse and British players to switch sides, which was viewed as a huge betrayal by the coalition, and as a diplomatic blunder by some of his nation members.

Germany met with disaster in the first day of the Franco-German War, including the fall of Frankfurt, after which Leite abdicated in favor of his officer FireRest125. However, with Norse help, Germany recovered their lost lands on the second war day. On the third war day, they attempted to capture the French capital in the Battle of Paris, but it was unsuccessful. Despite a second attempt to take Paris on the final war day, the war ended with a Franco-German stalemate.

Epochcraft 2

Town: Rhizon, Illyria

On E2, Leite was a member of the small nation of Illyria, led by Jonathan.


Town: Nagasaqui, Portugal

Leite was a member of Portugal on i36, under Luepola.


Town: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Leite was once again one of the most active players on i38, this time not as a leader, but as a prominent member of the nation of Brazil, led by Jonas. He was a leading diplomat in securing Brazil's many alliances, such as with Portugal. Brazil won all their wars, against Argentina, Japan, the French, the French resistance, and Germany. His diplomatic influence was paramount in obtaining enough key resources in order to bring the defeat and Nuking of Ethiopia.