Six-Hour War

Six-Hour War
Lebanese soldier, Calo9000, waving the Lebanese flag from the temple of the Israeli town of Haifa.

Date 22 February 2020
Location Israel and surroundings
Result Israeli strategic victory
• Israeli loses the town of Haifa
• Lebanon annexes Haifa
• Israel survives the war
• Coalition quits the server
Saudi Arabia
Commanders and leaders
(At peak)
(At peak)

The Six Hour war was one of the main conflicts during iteration 31. It involved the nations of Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Jordan. Resulting in the defeat of the Arab Coalition by Israel.

Prelude to War

The metagroups involved in the conflict were British (Egypt), TaP (Israel), Haan's (Lebanon) and Bronies (Jordan). Razz and maybee would play Saudia Arabia. New players to intcraft also took part, playing as the PLO and Iraq, which was led by Jonathan.

Diplomatic Situation
It was quite simple, there were 2 clear sides: the Israeli and the Arab Coalition. At the start of the iteration, the israeli well knew they would have to fight alone, and honestly, they wanted it. After a rather boring participation in i30, TaP looked forward to set itself centerstage, right in the middle of the action, the other metagroups knew they were capable fighters given their successes in the Battle of Columbia(i28) and the Siege of Monkeydonia(i30), but they weren't seen as the best.
There's also the fact that no other group would claim it, and so onions promised that whoever played them would get first pick for his next iteration.
The Arabs, meanwhile, were a diverse cast of people, some had a long history in intcraft and others were brand new. Old rivalries and friendships, but they all enjoyed the idea of banding together against the pariah state of the levant.

1st Arab Conference
Hosted in the Island of Cyprus. There were many attendees, each nation on the server sent a delegation over, even Israel was invited for the event. The main goal of the event was about the increased presence of American troops in the region. Other matters were the treatment of women and the enforcement of the Sharia Law. During the conference, many insults were targeted at the israeli delegation.
The conference would be the target of a terrorist attack, grenades were thrown right in the middle of the room, killing and injuring many, a chaotic shootout would follow between the attendees. The blame for the attack was attributed to Israel, although to this day, they have never confirmed the attack.

2nd Arab Conference
Hosted in Beirut, Lebanon. Inside the Olive Garden.

The Preparations

-israeli defense system
-arab attack plans

The Trumpets Sound

-hour 0
-mountain explosions
-breach of the walls

The Fall of Haifa

-capture of the haifa temple
-tnt sapping operation
-the 9 chunks

The Pushback

-lebanese absence
-iraqi absence
-the southern front

The Bell Tolls

-end of the wartime period

The Consequences

-arab coalition disbanded
-israeli gains
-cruise missile

The Legacy

-metagroups aftermath
-plugin never used again (meme fact)