Europa 1700

Europa 1700
Server dynmap, pre-New World opening.

Launch date 22 May 2020
Historical era 1700s
Map Onions North Atlantic
Host Onions
Length 2 weeks
Peak playercount ~220
Plugin Nodes
Iteration chronology
i31 i32 i33

Europa 1700”, also known as Onionscraft 3 or just i32 was a server in late May and early June 2020. It was Onions' last of his series of three servers hosted in 2019–2020. It is notable for being the first server to use the Nodes plugin. It had a canonical start date of 1701 and used custom muskets, cannons, and other weapons to replicate the era's tools of warfare.


Shortly after the end of Middle East and the beginning of the global plannedemic, Xethyr, who had previously been a relatively minor player albeit a regular core member of British group since i28, privately began development on a new server plugin.

This plugin was intended to replace the traditional Towny plugin used by /int/craft for most of its iterations, and solve some perceived issues with it. In particular, it was hoped to design a system to increase trade with region-limited resources, to mechanically deter warlogging (to avoid a repeat of the Lebanon situation), and to make outlying regions a viable war goal, rather than having every war be focused on capturing a town's core chunk, as in Towny. The new plugin was called “Nodes”, and the main difference from Towny was the division of the map into provinces, similarly to a Paradox grand strategy game such as EU4 (which Xethyr had spent some time playing). Each province held a resource that could be acquired by mining or passive income.

Soon, Jonathan and then Onions were invited to contribute to the plugin's development, and Onions quickly saw the value in this new plugin and planned on having it become a core part of his next server. The theme of the new server was also inspired by EU4: 1700s Europe and North America.

Development of Nodes was done primarily by Xeth, with Jonathan and Itsame painting the province map. Onions did most other server development, with small contributions from Xeth and BotJesus. Previous Onions server contributor Stongduke was dropped since Onions was dissatisfied with his previous maps; Onions made the server map himself, and Xeth made the weapon models.

The server's PvP meta consisted of single-shot muskets which had a long (~10s) reload time. There were also pistols and melee weapons, and muskets had bayonets. The only “vehicle” was a cannon, that could be rotated in place and aimed.


Large tensions existed between Onions and the community during the time of the server's development, due to previous grievances from Yugo Wars and Middle East. In particular, Onions had found himself a persistent rival in Stryker.

The largest nation emerging in pre-launch was Sweden, led by Brogrammer, and also including the former Turkey group and Rurik's group as satellite states in Estonia and Finland, respectively. Desiring to be the most powerful state (as evidenced by their huge recruitment), and cozying up with admin Onions, Sweden was opposed by many other players, particularly Stryker's group, who claimed neighboring Norway. The Discord channels were filled with very autistic propaganda, both pro- and anti-Sweden.

Other pre-claimed nations were the Netherlands claimed by LeiteArts, Venice by Haan, Russia by the British (now led by Boyarsky), Morocco by WoopWooper, Scotland by Ngungo, Savoy by polandcrafters, and the Papal State claimed by Onions. Poland, France, Spain, and England became notably large nations led by newfags. The server had once again seen a large increase in population due to the efforts of Onion Wizard and others in mass recruiting new members from 4chan and elsewhere. However, there was more controversy than usual, as many of the newfags were denigrated as Redditors. One new player, Phantomguy, would make himself especially iconic during the pre-launch and turn his nation, Spain, into a pariah state (at least among oldfags).

Overall, pre-launch was defined by a lot of faggy Discord tranny e-drama (more so than usual) and the overall playerbase quality had (debatably) hit a new low, to the discontent of many oldfags.


The i32 launch reached a new playercount record for /int/craft, with just over 200 online. The map crop was originally bordered-off to just Europe; the America expansion was promised for week 2.

The initial implementation of Nodes proved to be less than a success. Most players complained about the new system, especially resource scarcity leading to mass starvation, low claim power, and imbalanced resource distribution. The underlying issues were tweaked to some satisfaction.1) 2)

Within the first day or two, a major political change occurred: Sweden had apparently grown tired of Onions' interference in their affairs and pressuring them to plan for a fight against Stryker's Norway. Sweden at first allied Norway, putting in doubt the most-anticipated conflict of the server, and then outright quit. Their vassals, Estonia and Finland, joined the nearby Russian Empire instead, to much celebration of the great “diplomatic victory” of the Tsar Boyarsky.

First war day

The first war period on Saturday was spent clubbing the newfag alliance led by Phantomguy's Spain. Poland, France, England, and Morocco were other nations toppled on this day.3) There was also a war in Italy, which resulted in Savoy and the Papal States subjugating Venice and uniting Italy under the Savoyard banner.4)

Second war day

The Sunday war period was marked by a large coalition against Italy, formed primarily against Onions. The Savoyard towns Turin and Nice fell quickly, and Rome was captured after 2 hours. After the fall of Rome, former coalition members Norway and Netherlands turned on each other, resulting in a large war that lasted the second half of the war window. Most of the fighting was in Denmark; the Netherlands gained some land, but the result was indecisive. Afterwards, Leite and Stryker (who were friends) agreed to truce, so the war would not continue into the second weekend.

Second week and final war day

In the second week, New World colonization was opened up. This attracted interest mostly from those whose nations were destroyed during the weekend. A town in Maine was established by ex-Morocco players, in Florida by ex-Andalusia players, in New Jersey by Savoyards, and the Pirate faction was created by some Venetians and others. Other European nations established small colonial outposts.

The third and final war day saw conflict mostly in the New World, where Florida launched a successful invasion of Portland. Ireland was commandeered by a hodgepodge of mercenaries, mostly from Russia, and they fought battles against Portland and the Dutch. The end of the iteration had some giant pyramid spawned in and the End portal opened in the Sistine chapel in Rome.


The iteration ended with Onions still widely disliked by the playerbase. He also, at the time, had little enthusiasm to host a possible fourth iteration in a row. He, as a joke, gave mod powers to a random member, Luey, in the /int/craft Discord. Luey and his friends in the British group (including Jonathan and Xeth) then proceeded to mass-spam the Discord before banning everyone, all while Onions was sleeping.

While the mass-banning was done in good humor (although there was some catharsis for the plotters), it was celebrated by anti-Onions players as a “coup”.5) 6) Onion Wizard was one of the few to oppose the destruction of the Discord. With the death of the 1200-member Onionscord, and Onions' departure from hosting, however, /int/craft was, for a time, left with an uncertain future. This would last until i32.5.

Map of towns

Red = major towns (labelled); yellow = smaller settlements.